

On the day of shooting (Saturday 27th November 2010)
We were unable to shoot at one of our locations (Finsbury Park square) with the floor that lights up.
We had asked an on site security guard, who'd informed us that we were not permitted to film anything or put our tripod down unless we got permission from the council.

I then contacted Broadgate Estate Council/EMO office and was informed that filming there was free of charge for students but due to their busy schedule they could not fit us in to an available time slot for us to film there.
  Overall, we were unable to shoot here, especially due to our tight time schedule.

Alternatively we decided upon shooting this scene at a different location- Beach studio at Stanmore College.
We chose to film here because we could get near enough the same effect; a dark room, borrow lights from the media department and put the spotlight on the artists' legs ( just above the knee- using the rule of thirds) and eventually tilt up the artists full body & face.


CALL SHEET.........#3

Director: Ariba Ahmed (myself)

 Contact: mobile number: 07581474557


 Drama Hall (Beach)
Stanmore Sixth Form
Elm Park, Stanmore
Middlesex HA7 4BQ

Production Manager: Warsan Bargadle  Editor: Estella Ossei 
D.O.P: Ariba Ahmed(Myself)/Nora Bubale
Unit Call: 11.00am   Tuesday 30th November 2010

On Location:
11.00am Tuesday 30th November 2010
Sets: Black curtains but low lighting/darkness makes it just look like a  black background    
  Shot nos:...
Crucial (Real name: Usman Mirza)
Outfit: Grey sweater ..
Transport: Bus & Walking

11.00 : Call
11.00: I went to borrow equipment from the media department
11.05: I arrived at beach
12.00 : Other group members arrived
12:10: we finished setting up equipment and setting/adjusting the lights
12.15: we done some practice shots
12.25: started shooting
12.50: packed up equipment
1.00 we left