
About Our Artist : 'Crucial'

Eventually, we decided upon producing a music video for Usman Mirza , who goes by his stage name Crucial.
Crucial is a friend of myself /members of our media group and teenage Btec Music student at our college.
Therefore, communicating with him and travelling to various locations wasn't an issue.
He is a solo hip hop artist who was also a student of music at our college and close personal friend of ours
 which was a major convenience to our project.
We soon discovered he was quite a controversial artists eg; his lyrics were based on very serious and controversial topics such as politics,religion and general attitudes towards the happenings in the world today.
However, this didn't mean he didnt conform to the conventions of a hip hop artist, he very much focused on talking about music itself, his image also supports mainstream hip hop culture.
Although some may argue it was questionable to portray conventions for his music, I believe theres always room in the market/music industry for an artists with unique selling points success.
Also, our whether our audience (teenagers 13-) would be interested or understand it we ourselves fit this age and realise we often dont listen to music with such powerful and cotroversial meaning. 

Crucial's Youtube Page
Crucial's Twitter

Crucial: 'Straight Hip Hop' (Facebook)

Crucial: 'The Message' (Youtube)

Crucial: 'The Message' (Facebook)


Hip hop music consists of rhythmic beats created by looping breaks (small portions of songs emphasizing a percussive pattern) on two turntables, more commonly referred to as sampling
This was later accompanied by "rap", a rhythmic style of chanting or poetry presented in 16 bar measures or time frames, and beatboxing, a vocal technique mainly used to imitate percussive elements of the music and various technical effects of hip hop DJ's.

Hip Hop fairly recent and new type of music had originated from the urban communities (South Bronx) in the heart of New York City during the 1970s.

Rapping has been traced back to Africans mainly in West Africa where the old folks of the town used to narrate stories rhythmically to their communities, usually over drums or instruments
The lyrics of this Hip Hop genre always seems to be relevant to the artist rapping them or to the communities listening to them.

This explains why so many Hip-Hop artists represent areas/communities with such pride within their music. Music is seen as as an expression, as art which is where the relationship of graffiti and hip hop culture derive from.
This relationship between graffiti and the Hip Hop genre started very early on. It is to  show a sense of self expression. This visual type of art that has been displayed on the walls in different areas, seems to be persuasive and encourage youngster to adopt this particular style and self expression.

This graffiti writings has become somewhat of a culture to the youngsters, were they have developed artistic skills such as calligraphy writings styles. Also, they include elaborate and intricate pattern and pictures which signify issues and current situations that affect them.
Also, they include elaborate and intricate pattern and pictures which signify issues and current situations that affect them. Below are a few examples of this.

Shows the beauty surrounding women. Beautiful and bright colours used to signify this.

This is similar to the graffiti we saw at one of our locations:
This picture shows the passion youngsters have for cars. Shows their aspirations of acquiring assets and possessions, especially since alot of early hip hop artists had originated from areas with high levels of poverty i.e; south bronx.
As Hip Hop was seen as an art of self expression, it was also seen as a good way to keep youths occupied rather than being deviant out in public etc.

Which is why alot of lyrics to songs of hip hop songs are personal to the artist- eg; they may express the struggle they've been through.

However, many people may have misconceptions about the hip hop genre as when they see they include alot of women objectifying themselves in music videos, and excessive jewellery and cars, they may this itis all about this and materialistic possessions.
Although there are many hip hop artists who do not conform to this but are still very much 'hip hop'

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