

Risk Assessment for shoot 1 - Location; Curtain Rd, London EC2 (Graffiti Wall)

Production/Person(s) involved: Ariba Ahmed (myself), Estella Ossei, Nora Bulale, Warsan Barqadle and our artist- Crucial (Usman Mirza).
& Estella's younger sister for extra assistance.

Hazard: Cold temperatures
Nature of Risk: 
.Due to such weather, the artist/staff members may fall ill.
.Also the artist may not be able to perform to the best of their ability because their too cold.
 Preventive Measures:  All members of staff/artist were told to wear appropriate clothes (warm.)
and were given hot drinks from nearest coffee shop to keep people on location warm.

Hazard: The equipment
Nature of Risk: due to the equipment set up on the pavement the general public may trip over our equipment (this can lead to a lawsuit as this would known as negligence) (especially because we were set up on a pavement)
 Preventive measures: 

Hazard: The General Public
Nature of Risk: as we were shooting without any police/guard assistance we could have easily been targeted for theft due to our expensive equipment.
 Preventive measures:  

Hazard: Passing Cars
Nature of Risk: due to the hazard of passing cars, this could effects the recording of sound and could lengthen the time period of shooting.
Preventive measures: 

Hazard: The General Public
Nature of Risk: Due to the location being in a public place we encountered many interruptions where we had to wait for the people to pass by to continue shooting. This can lead to prologue delays with staff and actors getting frustrated.
Preventive measures: 

Risk Assessment for shoot 2 - Location;  TV Studio, Stanmore College (Projection scenes infront of white board)

Production/Person(s) involved: Ariba Ahmed (myself), Estella Ossei , Nora Bulale, Warsan Barqadle and our artist- Crucial (Usman Mirza).

nature of risk: heat of spotlight could make the artists feel uncomfortable, this and the light hitting his eyes may cause damage and discomfort which will put his performance at a disadvantage

 prevention measures: only leaving the spotlight on when necessary &
having short, frequent breaks so no harm is caused to the artists and only leaving the spotlight

Hazard: Loose wires from the spotlight
nature of risk:  Team members/Artist may trip over the wires  (especially because it was slightly dark)
Preventive measures:  making sure everyone was aware of the wires and avoiding walking around there, not moving around or moving equipment around much until the main lights were on.


Hazard: Spotlight
Nature Of Risk: heat of spotlight could make the artists feel uncomfortable, this and the light hitting his eyes may cause damage and discomfort which will put his performance at a disadvantage
  Prevention Measures: only leaving the spotlight on when necessary &
having short, frequent breaks so no harm is caused to the artists and only leaving the spotlight

Hazard: Loose wires from the spotlight
Nature Of Risk Team members/Artist may trip over the wires  (especially because it was slightly dark)
Preventive measures:  making sure everyone was aware of the wires and avoiding walking around there, not moving around or moving equipment around much until the main lights were on.

Hazard: Noise
Nature of risk: noise from  next door may distract team members and more importantly the artists so we may not all work tot he best of our potential
Preventive measures:  before we start shooting, inform the people next door so they don’t make unnecessary noise  

Hazard: Food/drink
Nature of risk: Spillage of food/drink could damage equipment (especially because shooting would be done during lunch hours)
Preventive measures: no food/drink would be allowed on set.

Hazard: Noise
Nature of risk: noise from  next door may distract team members and more importantly the artists so we may not all work tot he best of our potential
Preventive measures:  before we start shooting, inform the people next door so they don’t make unnecessary noise  

Hazard: Food/drink
Nature of risk: Spillage of food/drink could damage equipment (especially because shooting would be done during lunch hours)
Preventive measures: no food/drink would be allowed on set.

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