


My role :The director / Cameraperson

Responsibilites of a (Music video) Director :
directs the actors and crew in the making of a music video. They control a music videos artistic and dramatic aspects, while guiding the technical crew and actors.I researched this role early on in the planning stages & gathered the neccessary information i needed from asking teachers and secondary research from the following websites:


The 4 members of our group all take an interest in different genres of music and there were artists available of different genres aswell.
During the first week of finding an artist we considered using an RnB brother and sister act called  SnR, whom we heard about through word of mouth from a friend. We discovered their music on their Youtube Page where they performed a couple of their original songs : Youtube Page SnR: 'Heart on My Sleeve'

Their Facebook page also shows they already had a lot of publicity and were therefore marketable and likeable as the following link shows one of their pages had over 1,000 hits.
Facebook BandPage .

However, they were not willing to travel to the various locations for recording scenes for the music video, they were also unavailable for many of the days we wanted to shoot due to commitments to their manager. Due to their unavailability and distance it was inconvenient for to produce SnR a music video.

I then researched for more unsigned artists who were closer to us on http://www.unsigned.com/
and came across http://www.unsigned.com/brookesylvia%20
Although she was nearer to us, her profile showed no evidence of original songs and her voice didn't sound like it met standards, despite many successfull artists in mainsteam media today may not have the best voices, they have other unique selling points such as their image eg Lady Gaga. However, we didnt identify any such points with with Brooke Syliva also, her genre wasn't clear.
Therefore decided not to produce a music video for her.

I also came across ; http://www.unsigned.com/comment
a hip-hop/rap artist, distance wouldn't have been an issue and he has a range of original songs to choose from.He also has a conventional hip-hop image that would definitely 'sell' (eg; a cap, baggy clothes, tattoo.)

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